Bakery News

Family Letter 1998

Family Letter 1998

Dear Customer,    Another year passes with record speed. It has been a year full of blessings, many joys and achievements. Travis and I are enjoying our "retirement", although my husband says he knows he will always be needed as long as there are light bulbs to change and plumbing to fix. I am enjoying working in my gardens. This is keeping me very busy. I ordered and planted over 1000 bulbs and then I started and transplanted around 800 plants out of my greenhouse. I have seriously requested that next year my daughter Mona is to hide any garden catalog before I...

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Family Letter 1997

Family Letter 1997

Dear Customer,    It seems the older I get, the faster time flies. I cannot believe another year has past. What a wonderful year it has been. We feel so blessed as a a family to be able to work together in such a pleasurable business. This past year our bakery was honored to have the Associated Press pick-up an article on our company. It appeared in newspapers all over the United States. We would like to thank all our many customers who sent us a copy. We were very pleased by that article but equally as gratifying were the nice...

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Family Letter 1996

Family Letter 1996

Dear Customer,    We have had another wonderful year at Mrs. Hanes' Moravian Cookies. Business has been steady and my family is happy and healthy. It is very rewarding to see the business I started over forty years ago now being nurtured by my children and grandchildren. We have a lot of fun working together. Recently, nine year old grandson, Jedidiah was promoted to the Sales Department. He enjoys waiting on customers and practicing his math skills. However, he says he is never giving up his "Chief Cookie Taster" title. Eventually, Jed wants to be President of the company. While proud of her...

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Family Letter 1995

Family Letter 1995

Dear Customer,     Well, time could not possibly move any faster! We have had an exciting year! I was selected as a finalist for the N.C. Entrepreneur of the Year Award and was interviewed on the P.B.S. Program, "North Carolina People". We have seen our cookies featured in U.S. News and World Report, Food and Wine Magazine, The New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times. So many of our customers have written such nice (and humorous) letters. We feel truly blessed to have such a pleasurable business.    Our newest family member is Mike's dog, Lucy. We decided...

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Family Letter 1993

Family Letter 1993

Dear Customer,    Well, another year has flown by! This year we gladly welcome another family member into our business, daughter Caroline Hanes. Another positive change is our ability to accept your Visa or Mastercard as payment. We have also added several incoming phone lines-so those of you who had a hard time getting through to us last year should find it easier this year. However, to be honest, we prefer to receive your order by mail or FAX (less mistakes are made and it is a little easier on us). But if you wish to call, we will be...

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