Dear Customer,
Well, time could not possibly move any faster! We have had an exciting year! I was selected as a finalist for the N.C. Entrepreneur of the Year Award and was interviewed on the P.B.S. Program, "North Carolina People". We have seen our cookies featured in U.S. News and World Report, Food and Wine Magazine, The New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times. So many of our customers have written such nice (and humorous) letters. We feel truly blessed to have such a pleasurable business.
Our newest family member is Mike's dog, Lucy. We decided she could be "Head of Security." Eight-year-old Jedidiah was beginning to eat too many cookies as "chief cookie taster," so we are moving him to the sales department. If you come by our bakery after school's out, he might wait on you. (That is if he has done his homework and if you look patient.) Madison, our youngest grandchild, turned four and is still Ramona's Boss (and Bossy).
We have added several incoming phone lines this year, but come December 1st, they are sure to be busy, so call early! Actually, we prefer your order by mail or fax (less mistakes are made and it's a little easier on us). However, if you wish to call, we'll be glad to help. Who knows, one day we may have a toll-free number and "operators standing by," but for the time being, chances are either myself or one of the family will take your order. We may not be as convenient as some companies, but no one could care more about their customers, their product, or their service than we do!
Evva Hanes, President

Mike Hanes-Treasurer; Ramona Hanes Templin-Vice President;
Caroline Hanes-Public Relations Director;
Jedidiah Hanes Templin-Chief Cookie Taster and Sales Dept. Trainee;
Madison Hanes Templin-Ramona's New Boss and Assistant Cookie Taster;
Luch Hanes (the dog) Head of Security.