Bakery News
Family Letter 1993

Dear Customer, Well, another year has flown by! This year we gladly welcome another family member into our business, daughter Caroline Hanes. Another positive change is our ability to accept your Visa or Mastercard as payment. We have also added several incoming phone lines-so those of you who had a hard time getting through to us last year should find it easier this year. However, to be honest, we prefer to receive your order by mail or FAX (less mistakes are made and it is a little easier on us). But if you wish to call, we will be...
Family Letter 1992

Dear Customer, This has been an exciting year at the Hanes' Cookie Factory. Our new Black Walnut cookie continues to receive high praises. Also, Madison Templin has joined our staff as Assistant Cookie Taster. We look forward to again serving you, the best customers in the world, with the best cookies in the world.Best Wishes, Evva Hanes, President Evva Hanes-President; Travis Hanes-Vice President;Mike Hanes-Treasurer; Ramona Hanes Templin-Vice President;Jedidiah Hanes Templin-Chief Cookie Taster;Madison Hanes Templin-Ramona's New Boss and Assistant Cookie Taster.
Family Letter 1989

Dear Customer, You may have noticed our new brochure. Well, we have finally (somewhat reluctantly I may add) entered the computer age. This does not mean the personal care you are used to receiving will change. We are just trying to make things simpler for you and more organized for us. Any suggestions? Let me know! Best Wishes, Evva Hanes, President Evva Hanes-President; Travis Hanes-Vice President;Mike Hanes-Treasurer; Ramona Hanes Templin-Vice President;Jedidiah Hanes Templin-Chief Cookie Taster.