Bakery News

Family Letter 2003

Family Letter 2003

Dear Friends, Well, the year 2001 will not easily be forgotten. For our country it was a year of tragic loss but also a year of a renewed patriotism. It was a year in which we realized the appreciation and honor that is due the millions of selfless individuals that serve our communities. For my family it was a year filled with valuable lessons. We were profoundly reminded how precious each day is and how important it is to let your loved ones know they are loved. I feel so blessed to be literally surrounded by my family. Travis and I live...

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Family Letter 2002

Family Letter 2002

Dear Friends, I am amazed at how fast the year has passed. It's been a wonderful year. In July, we were blessed with national coverage on the Food Network. A show called Food Finds (based on a book by Allison and Margaret Engel) featured our company. Being rather unsophisticated about the power of TV, we had no idea how fortunate we were to be chosen for the premier show. The first show aired at 10:30 pm on July 17th, 2000. To be honest, we thought "who watches TV that late at night?" Well apparently, most of America. The phone lit up like...

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Family Letter 2001

Family Letter 2001

Dear Friends, And so, another year passes with phenomenal swiftness. It seems like yesterday that Grandson Jedidiah was in kindergarten. Now he towers over his mother in height. Granddaughter Madison is 10 years old and twice as "dramatic" as her mother. (Something I never thought was humanly possible.) The good news is both of our "cookie tasters" are wonderful grandchildren. Even at age 15, Jed continually hugs his mother and grandparents (if only to let us know, we are shorter than he is). And Ramona (our daughter) has kept her vow never to say to her daughter, (as I used to say...

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Family Letter 2000

Family Letter 2000

Dear Friends,    Yes, those are walking canes we are holding in our hands. In Septermber 1998, eleven members of our family and one friend, embarked on an adventure. Driving one large van, we visited Utah, Nevada and Arizona. The culmination of this trip was a hike in the Grand Canyon. Eight of us made this "trek". We walked from the North Rim to the South Rim. This is a distance of approximately 26 miles. At times the temperature exceeded 100 degrees. All of the above, (except Madison and Mocha the dog) made the hike. Not pictured, but also hiking, were...

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Family Letter 1999

Family Letter 1999

Dear Customer,    What a year! As you can see from our "dressed up" picture, we had a wedding in the family. Daughter Caroline, who works part time at the bakery, marrried her high school sweetheart in June. We decided that while we had on our Sunday clothes, we may as well get our family photo taken. Of course you will note we are missing our Head of Security, (Mocha, the Dog). Unfortunately, she was not invited to the wedding. She was very insulted.    It has been another blessed year. We welcomed another grandchild (and another assistant cookie taster). We hopped...

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