Dear Customer,
We have had another wonderful year at Mrs. Hanes' Moravian Cookies. Business has been steady and my family is happy and healthy. It is very rewarding to see the business I started over forty years ago now being nurtured by my children and grandchildren. We have a lot of fun working together. Recently, nine year old grandson, Jedidiah was promoted to the Sales Department. He enjoys waiting on customers and practicing his math skills. However, he says he is never giving up his "Chief Cookie Taster" title. Eventually, Jed wants to be President of the company. While proud of her son's ambition, I believe my daughter's response to this was "get in line, Dear".
Granddaughter Madison (Assistant Cookie Taster) turned five in March and has started kindergarten. The school will never be the same. Madison reminds me so much of her mother, Ramona. (I'll admit I find this rather gratifying.)
When he isn't mixing dough or boxing up your cookies, my son Michael enjoys running in marathons and road races. He has run in the Boston, New York and the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington. Daughter Ramona works in the office and also runs-(after Madison).
Travis and I enjoy spending time in the Mountains, working in the garden and I love to cook. In fact, the first question I am asked every morning is "are you cooking tonight, Mama"?
In closing, I'd like to thank all our customers and invite you to visit our "cookie factory". Come watch the cookies being hand rolled and hand cut. Meet my family and our very special employees. If you can't drop by, mail, fax or call in your order. Just remember, even though we add phone lines during the holidays, come December 1st they stay very busy and we sell out every year. So call before things get too busy!
Evva Hanes, President

Mike Hanes-Treasurer; Ramona Hanes Templin-Vice President;
Jedidiah Hanes Templin-Chief Cookie Taster and Sales Dept. Trainee;
Madison Hanes Templin-Ramona's Boss and Assistant Cookie Taster;
Mocha Hanes (the dog) Head of Security.